понедельник, 13 июня 2011
Чтобы не искать по почте, пусть лежит здесь - от научного руководителя
from Kumar
Dear Yuliya,
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. But now I've read your piece and like it very much. I think this is a great start. The first few pages lay out the basic rationale very well, and set up the framework within which you will conduct your specific research. You can make very good use of this for the opening section of your proposal.
The rest of the piece is of course mainly notes. They are good notes, and the references to the literature are very helpful. I think you make a very good case for focussing on Taylorism and Prohibition. The similarites are indeed remarkable, in the stress on discipline and efficiency. So your choice of specific topics to works on seems fine. There seems to be a rich enough literature, primary and secondary, to give you very good material to work with.
The next stage has to be to write all this out at greater length, so that we have a complete first draft of the proposal. This should be 20-30 pages. Don't worry if you aren't sure what to put in. Put everything in, and we can sort out what to leave and what to change afterwards. It's much easier to work on a complete draft, however rough, than a fragment. You seem to me to have a lot of what you need already, judging by this piece.
So all this is very encouraging. I think you have the making of a splendid dissertation, dealing with a really important area (which cannot be said of all or even of many dissertations).
Good luck with your further work on this. I will be away from June 18 to July 23 and will be happy to see you any time after my return.
I do hope you're enjoying your time in Belarus and not just working!Теперь можно работать дальше!
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